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Tilboshet Uniforms

One Stop Uniform Shop

Tilboshet Uniforms opened its doors in the spring of 2014.

Seeing the need in the growing Chicagoland Jewish Community with multiple Girls' schools and as many different uniforms, Tilboshet met the gap in the market.

Until then uniforms that complied with the schools' rules and tznius guidelines had to be purchased in New York and/or be shipped from the East Coast. Besides the higher cost, it also meant the hassle of exchanging or returning when items didn't fit (when this was even allowed, which was mostly not the case).

Our prices are compatible with East Coast prices

Tilboshet serves the greater Chicagoland community and beyond with all its schools and their specific uniform needs.

Skirts, jumpers, shirts, pullovers, vests, poloshirts, sweatshirts and velours in different colors with and without a logo, in many sizes and lengths, Tilboshet carries it all in stock or can order it at no additional charge.

The convenience of having a school uniform store in town is not to be underestimated. To be able to try on an item and take it right home with you and the benefit of being able to shop any time during the year (not just for the beginning of the school year) has been welcomed and appreciated by all our customers.

Tilboshet Uniforms is located at 5127 N Drake Avenue, Tel. (773) 982-9003.

Contact us

For more information please send us a message and we’ll be in touch.